

Role of kidney in Electrolyte Balance| RAAS| ADH

  Role of kidney in Electrolyte Balance

Role of kidney in Electrolyte Balance; Osmolality of plasma (moles of solute per kg of plasma) is normally 285 - 295 miliOsmol/kg. The major composition of electrolytes; Na+, K+, Ca2+ and so on.

Regulation of electrolytes is done by mainly 4 pathway:

1.       Renin angiotensin Aldosterone system

2.       Sympathetic nerves

3.       Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

4.       Atrial natriuretic peptide(ANP)

 RAAS system

Electrolyte-Balance, Role of kidney in electrolyte
 RAAS system

Sympathetic nerves


        Nerve terminals in the kidney release norepinephrine.

        Has 2 direct effect on Na+ reabsorption.

  • Increase renal vascular resistance: Mostly neutralized by tubuloglomerular feedback.
  • Increase Na+ reabsorption by tubule cells.
    • Stimulate apical Na-H exchanger and basolateral Na-K ATPase pump.


 Antidiuretic hormone

  • Secreted in response to :
    • Increased extracellular fluid osmolarity
    • Decreased arterial pressure and
    • Decreased blood volume
  • Stimulates water reabsorption in CCT by inserting AQP 2.
  • Also stimulates Na+ reabsorption by stimulating Na+ -K+ -2Cl pump and increasing Nachannel in collecting tubule.

Antidiuretic hormone, Electrolyte-Balance

Atrial natriuretic peptide(ANP)

  • Produced by atrial myocytes in response to stretch.
  • Vasodilation of afferent but constriction of efferent.
  • Promotes NaCl and water excretion by the kidney.

Functions of ANP

  • Inhibition of renin secretion.
  • Inhibition of aldosterone secretion, via Ang II.
  • Inhibition of NaCl reabsorption esp. by medullary collecting duct.
  • nhibition of ADH secretion and action of ADH on CD.

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