

Spirometry| Binedict-Roth's Spirometry| Preparation| Procedure

 Binedict-Roth's Spirometry

  • Spirometry is a lungs testing tools use to measure how well your lungs are functioning.
  • The test works by measuring airflow into and out of your lungs.
  • In the following conditions, Spirometry test is used:
    • asthma
    • restrictive lung disease
    • COPD
    • other conditions affecting lung function
Spirometry| Binedict-Roth's Spirometry| Preparation| Procedure

Prepare for Spirometry Test

  • You should not smoke one hour before a spirometry test and also should not drink alcohol on that day.
  • Do not wear tight clothes that restrict your breathing.

Spirometry Procedure

  1. Seat on chair in examination room.
  2. Closed the nostrils with clip.
  3. Take breath in and hold for few seconds.
  4. Place cup like breathing mask around yours mouth.
  5. Exhale as hard as you can in the mouth piece. 
  6. Repeat these for 3 times.

Spirometry| Binedict-Roth's Spirometry| Preparation| Procedure

IRV= Inspiratory Reserve Volume
FVC= Force Volume Capacity
FEV1= Force Expiratory Volume in 1 sec
VC= Vital Capacity
RV= Residual Volume
ERV= Expiratory Reserve Volume
IC= Inspiratory Capacity
FRV= Functional Residual Volume
TV= Tidal Volume


Tidal Volume

Total volume of air inspire and expire normally. Its value is 500ml.

Inspiratory Reserve Volume

Total volume of air that can forcefully inspire after normal inspirations. Its value is 3000ml.

Expiratory Reserve Volume

Total volume of air that can forcefully expire after normal expirations. Its value is 1100ml.

Residual Volume

Total volume of air remain in lung after forceful expiration. Its value is 1200ml.

Inspiratory Capacity

Total volume of air that can forcefully inspire after normal expirations. Its value is (TV+IRV)=500+3000=3500ml

Functional Residual Volume

Total volume of air remain in lung after normal expiration. Its value is (ERV+RV)= 1100+1200=2300ml.

Vital Capacity

Maximum volume of air that can forcefully expire after forceful inspiration. Its value is (IRV+TV+ERV)=3000+500+1100=4600ml.

Total Lung Capacity

Total volume of air to which lung can expanded with greatest possible effort. Its value is (VC+RV)=4600+1200=-5800ml.

Respiratory Dead Space

Volume of air that can not take part in respiration is called respiratory dead space. Its value is 150ml.

Spirometry| Binedict-Roth's Spirometry| Preparation| Procedure


Normal value :
children age(5-18); 

Spirometry| Binedict-Roth's Spirometry| Preparation| Procedure


Spirometry| Binedict-Roth's Spirometry| Preparation| Procedure


Spirometry| Binedict-Roth's Spirometry| Preparation| Procedure

FEV1/FVC ratio

  • FEV1/FVC ratio is a number that represents the percentage of your lung capacity you’re able to exhale in one second.
Abnormal value:
  • 5-18 age: <85%
  • adult:<70%

Spirometry Graph

Spirometry| Binedict-Roth's Spirometry| Preparation| Procedure

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